How Google Has Made Students Life Easier?
Google started it's journey with a simple search engine.But now it becomes a "Tech Giant" . As you know today, the internet is such a thing without which we can't live. In this modern era of technicalities, google has evolved us.And most critically it helped students and changed their way to learn.It has brought many wonders for the student community across the globe . Google has the answer to life,universe and everything! that is much valuable for us.I am the kind of student who doesn't want to depend on anyone else for my studies, so I mostly prefer to do self study.In order to learn something or studying anything for the first time, I face small conceptual problems if these problems are not clarified, great confusion arises in my mind .But, google is the way to clarify my all doubts and understand better.You can estimate how long it will take to find a definition of a term when you search for it throughout the book, instead of doing this , you c...
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