How Google Has Made Students Life Easier?

 Google started it's journey with a simple search engine.But now it becomes a "Tech Giant" . As you know today, the internet is such a thing without which we can't live. In this modern era of technicalities, google has evolved us.And most critically it helped students and changed their way to learn.It has brought many wonders for the student community across the globe .

Google has the answer to life,universe and everything! that is much valuable for us.I am the kind of student who doesn't want to depend on anyone else for my studies, so I mostly prefer to do self study.In order to learn something or studying anything for the first time, I face small conceptual problems if these problems are not clarified, great confusion arises in my mind .But, google is the way to clarify my all doubts and understand better.You can estimate how long it will take to find a definition of a term when you search for it throughout the book, instead of doing this , you can just type that term into the Google search box and it will provide you with exactly what you need (Precise and simplified content). And you will have a lot of time left.
Apart from this, even in the times of Corona global pandemic it has played a major role in education world, i.e. google for education .
As a student , I can tell you that what is the importance of Google for us;
• Imagine - you were about to finish a chapter of any subject and suddenly! You've got a word you don't know what it means (say demographic transition).What would you do??
= Googled it

•Just suppose you are self studing and don't have notes of a chapter. What can you do??
= Googled it

•Let you can't understand a topic in written form or you can't solve a question.
= Googled +YouTube

•There is a new song of your favourite singer or band .
= Googled+YouTube

•Latest superhero movie of MCU.
= Chrome + icongnito mode + Googled

•Anything related to any field if you want to know about it.
= Literally #Googled it..

It's like a superpower to us which has made our life much easier. But just as everything in this entire cosmos has a darker side, there is also this one that it can mislead you.This will happen in such a way that it will manipulate your search so that you will be engrossed in it for longer than necessary so, you should use it consciously.
And here the famous dialogue of the Spiderman movie seems quite right ,,
"With great power there must also come -- great responsibility! "
As I mentioned above it's a superpower we have to take the responsibility to use that power in an appropriate manner.
 To be honest, I have learned new skills, learned and understood a lot of things which have really made my life easier.


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